So today I spotted a headline on that read
"Twitter saves carjacked man" this caught my attention, I mean I had heard of someone called Twiggy, but Twitter what an unusual name.
Twiggy didn't talk about her brother Twitter that often. |
Having a unusual name is cool, but I don't know if it is new worthy, perhaps this Twitter, was some sort of animal who had thwarted the car-jackers?
"Good job Twitter!" |
Turns out the story was talking about the website twitter, which is designed to let people send their text messages to everyone in the world instead of to a specific person. I thought this will be interesting maybe the guy tweeted his message and then it got re-tweeted until the car-jacker saw it, and felt bad pulled over and let the guy out.
"Oh wow, I should let that guy out" |
Nope wrong again, turns out the guy texted his girlfriend, who tweeted the number plate and told people to be on the look out for that car. Oh that't cool someone saw the tweet and then caught the guys?
"Get out of the car, I know its stolen I saw the tweet" |
Not quite, someone, hopefully the girlfriend called the police, who used the man's cellphone to trace the car and arrested the car-jackers and freed the man. This news was then relayed via Twitter. Twitter is then credited with saving this man.
"Wait, What?!" |
My thoughts exactly Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson, it appears to be that Twitter did nothing in this situation at all it was merely an on-looker in this entire situation that reporter the events as it happened. Remove Twitter from the story the man still gets saved, unless of course the girlfriend didn't ring the police and someone who read the original tweet did.
"Ugh, My stupid boyfriend has been carjacked and I don't know what to do?" |
This is the equivalent of honoring the radio broadcaster who was announcing live how the pilot managed to safely land the jet on the Hudson river. They told you what was happening, but they weren't really implicit in the heroic act.
"Here's the real hero, I just landed the plane, she announced it" |
My real question is why did the car-jackers put the guy in the boot, and not just leave him on the side of the road? If you were going to kill him, kill him there, I mean were they planning on dropping him home?
"See ya, hope you enjoyed the carjacking today" |